
Monday, September 23, 2013

Vocabulary #6

1) Obsequious: (adj) obedient; dutiful; fawning
- The obsequious maid always did what she was told.

2) Beatitude: (n) exalted happiness
- His beatitude was shown when he started crying tears of joy.

3) Bete Noire: (n) a person or thing that one particularly dislikes or dreads
- The quiz was the bete noire of the class as nobody wanted to take it.

4) Bode: (v) to be an omen of
-The news bodes evil days for Robert.

5) Dank: (adj) unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly
- The dank cellar was very unpopular due to its humidity.

6) Ecumenical: (adj) general; universal: promoting Christian unity throughout the world
- The ecumenical organization preached about Christianity.

7) Fervid: (adj) heated in spirit, enthusiasm; intensely hot, burning
- The cheerleaders' fervid attitude really got the crowd cheering.

8) Fetid: (adj) having an offensive odor; stinking
- The fetid cat was in desperate need of a bath.

9) Gargantuan: (adj) gigantic, enormous
- The gargantuan statue was as tall as the building.

10) Heyday: (n) the stage or period of greatest vigor, strength, success, etc.; prime
- The team reached their heyday when they won the championships. 

11) Incubus: (n) a nightmare
- The little girls each had an incubus after they watched the scary movie.

12) Infrastructure: (n) the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organisation
- After they created the infrastructure, they were able to start building the newly designed system.

13) Inveigle:(v) to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk; to acquire by beguiling talk or methods
- He inveigled the girl into doing his homework. 

14) Kudos: (n) honor, glory, acclaim
- He received kudos the judges after winning the spelling bee. 

15) Lagniappe: (n) tip, bonus, gratuity 
- The waitress received a lagniappe from her table for her cheerful attitude.

16) Prolix: (adj) extended to great, unnecessary, or tedious length; long and wordy
- Her prolix speech took the entire period!

17) Protege: (n) a person under the care of someone interested in his or her career or welfare.
-He was a protege as he was under the care of his son who was interested in his welfare.

18) Prototype: (n) the original or model on which something is based on for formed; someone who serves to illustrate the typical qualities of something 
- She is the prototype of a perfect student as she always does her homework and gets A's on tests.

19) Sycophant: (n) a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite
- He was a sycophant as he praised everybody for attention.

20) Tautology: (n) needless repetition of an idea
- It's a tautology when the teacher says to stop talking over and over again. 

21) Truckle: (v) to submit or yield obsequiously or tamely
- Don't truckle to unreasonable demands. 
22) Accolade- (n) any award, honor, or laudatory notice
- She received an accolade when she won the spelling bee.

23) Acerbity- (n) sourness; harshness or severity as of temper or expression
- He was full of acerbity when we harshly corrected his friend.

24) Attrition- (n) a reduction or decrease in number, size, it strength 
- Unfortunately, many jobs were lost through attrition.

25) Bromide- (n) a person who is platitudinous and boring; a trite saying
- Robert was a bromide as he never did anything exciting.

26) Chauvinist- (n) a person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic; a person who believe one gender is superior to another
- She was a female chauvinist as she believed the female team would beat the male team.

27) Chronic- (adj) constant; habitual; inveterate; having long had a disease 
- He suffers from a chronic disease that he has had all his life.

28) Expound- (v) to explain; to interpret
- The coach expounded the team strategy to the confused players.

29) Factionalism- (adj) of a faction or factions; self-interested
- There has been great factionalism between the two people as they weren't interested in what the other had to say since it had nothing to do with themselves. 

30) Immaculate- (adj) free from spot or stain; free from moral blemish; pure; free from fault
- Marissa's immaculate poem was hung up on the wall.

31) Imprecation- (n) the act of imprecations; cursing
- He started an unending imprecation when he ran into the door.

32) Ineluctable- (adj) incapable of being evaded; inescapable 
- The prison was so well guarded that it made the prisoners ineluctable

33) Mercurial- (adj) changeable; animated; lively
- The teacher came into class with a mercurial attitude, ready to start the day. 

34) Palliate- (v) to relieve or lessen without curing; alleviate; to try and conceal the gravity if excuses, apologies 
- The physical therapist tried to palliate the athletes sprained ankle.

35) Protocol- (n) a supplementary international agreement; the customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality 
- The two states successfully came up with a protocol that wouldn't cause any violence.

36) Resplendent- (adj) shining brilliantly; gleaming; splendid
- The poster was resplendent and everyone in the school could see it.

37) Stigmatize- (v) to set some mark of disgrace; to mark with a stigma or brand.
- The crime of the husabnd stigmatized the whole family. 

38) Sub Rosa- (n) confidentially; secretly; privately
- The government meeting was held sub rosa due to the fact that nobody could know what they were talking about.

39) Vainglory- (n) excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements, abilities; boastful vanity
- Bob showed a lot of vainglory after he won the tournament.

40) Vestige- (n) a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that us no longer present or in existence
- The fossils are the only vestige we have of dinosaurs. 

41) Volition- (n) the act of willing, or choosing, or resolving; exercise of willing; a choice of decision made by the will
- Everyone who wants to participate in the competition should do so by their own volition

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