
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Vocabulary Final List (Part 1)

- Aficionado (n)- an ardent devotee; fan, enthusiast

- Browbeat (v)- to intimidate with overbearing looks or words; bullying

- Commensurate (adj)- having the same measure; equal extent or duration.

- Diaphanous (adj)- very sheer or light; almost transparent

- Emolument (n)- profit, salaries, or fees from office or employment

- Foray (n)- a quick sudden attack

- Genre (n)- a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, or technique

- Homily (n)- a sermon; an inspiring saying or cliche.

- Immure (v)- to imprison; to shut-in

- Insouciant (adj)- free from worry; carefree; nonchalant

- Matrix (n)- a point when something else originates, develops, or takes form

- Obsequies (n)- a funeral rite, or ceremony

- Panache (n)- a grand manner; style; flair

- Persona (n)- the characters in a play

- Philippic (n)- any speech of bitter denunciation

- Prurient (adj)- having lustful thoughts or desires

- Sacrosanct (adj)- extremely sacred

- Systemic (adj)- of or pertaining to a system

- Tendentious (adj)- having or showing a definite tendency, bias, or propose

- Vicissitude (n)- a change or variation occurring in the course of something

- Abase: (v) to lower; to put or bring down; degrade

- Abdicate: (v) to give up a throne, right, power, claim, or responsibility 

- Abomination: (n) anything greatly disliked; detestation 

- Brusque: (adj) abrupt in manner; rough

- Saboteur: (n) a person who commits or practices sabotage 

- Debauchery: (n) excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; intemperance

- Proliferate: (v) to increase in number or spread rapidly and often excessively

- Anachronism: (n) someone or something that is not in it's correct historical or chronological time

- Nomenclature: (n) a set or system of names or terms by an individual or community; the names or terms comprising a set or system

- Expurgate: (v) to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness; to amend by removing words deemed offensive

- Bellicose: (adj) inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile; belligerent; pugnacious

- Gauche: (adj) lacking social grace; awkward; crude; tactless

- Rapacious: (adj) inordinately greedy; predatory; extortionate

- Paradox: (n) a self-contradictory and false proposition

- Conundrum: (n) anything that puzzles; a riddle whose answer involves a pun or play on words

- Anomaly: (n) someone or something that is abnormal or does not fit in; peculiarity; abnormality; exception 

- Ephemeral: (adj) lasting a short time; short-lived

- Rancorous: (adj) full of or showing rancor (hatred)

- Churlish: (adj) boorish; rude; mean

- Precipitous: (adj) extremely steep

- Accoutrements: (n) personal clothing,accessories; the equipment including weapons and clothing of a soldier

- Apogee: (n) the highest or most distant point; climax

- Apropos: (adj. or adverb) opportune; pertinent; at the right time

- Bicker: (verb or noun) to engage in petulant or peevish argument; an angry dispute

- Coalesce: (verb) to unite as one or come together

- Contretemps: (noun) an embarrassing mischance; an inopportune occurrence

- Convolution: (noun) a rolled up or coiled condition 

- Cull: (verb) to choose; select; pick

-Disparate: (adjective) dissimilar; essentially different; distinct in kind

- Dogmatic: (adjective) opinionated; asserting opinions in an arrogant manner

- Licentious: (adjective) lewd; unrestrained by law or morality; disregarding rules

- Mete: (verb) to distribute or apportion by measure; allot

- Noxious: (adjective) harmful or injurious to health or well-being; morally harmful

- Polemic: ( noun or adjective) a controversial argument; a person who argues in opposition to another 

- Populous: (adjective) full of residents or inhabitants; heavily populated 

- Probity: (noun) integrity and uprightness; honesty

- Repartee: (noun) a quick, witty reply

- Supervene: (verb) to take place or occur as something extra or extraneous

- Truncate: ( verb) to shorten or cut off. 

- Unimpeachable: (adjective) above suspicion; impossible to discredit; impeccable 

- Adumbrate: to outline; give a faint indication of

- Apotheosis: the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of god; the ideal example

- Ascetic: a person who dedicates his or her life to a pursuit of contemplative ideals and practices extreme self denial or self-mortification for religious reasons; a monk

- Bauble: a showy, usually cheap, ornament; trinket 

- Beguile: to influence by trickery, flattery, etc.; mislead; delude

- Burgeon: to grow or develop quickly; flourish

- Complement: something that competes or makes perfect

- Contumacious: stubbornly perverse or rebellious; willfully and obstinately disobedient

- Curmudgeon: a bad tempered, difficult, cantankerous person

- Didactic: intended for instruction; instructive

- Disingenuous: lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; false or hypocritically

- Exculpate: to clear from a charge of guild or fault; free from blame; vindicate

- Faux Pas: a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion 

- Fulminate: to explode with a loud noise; detonate; to issue or pronounce with vehement denunciation 

- Fustian: a stout fabric of cotton and flax; high flown or affected writing or speech

- Hauteur: haughty manner or spirit; arrogance

-Inhibit: to restrain, hinder, arrest, or check; to prohibit; forbid 

- Jeremiad: a prolonged lamentation or mournful complaint

-Opportunist: a person who practices opportunism or the policy of adapting actions, decisions; to effectiveness regardless of the sacrifice of ethical principles

-Unconscionable: not guided by conscience; unscrupulous; not I'm accordance with what is just or reasonable

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