
Friday, April 11, 2014

Macbeth Act 4

-the witches are chanting in a circle and Hecate comes by and compliments them
-"By the pricking of my thumbs/ something wicked comes this way"
-Macbeth comes and ask the witches to reveal the prophecies: 
-floating head says to beware Macduff
-bloody child comes and "none of women born shall harm Macbeth" 
-crowned child holding a tree says he is safe until Birnan Wood moves to Dunisane Hill
-lastly, eight crown kings walk by and the last one (Banquo's ghost) is holding a mirror
-Macbeth demands to know the meaning but the witches vanish
-Lennox enters and tells him Macduff fled to England
-Macbeth sends murderers to Macduff's castle to kill his wife and children
-at Macduff's castle Lady Macbeth demands Ross tell her why her husband has left because she feels betrayed and Ross says he trusts Macbeth
-Lady Macduff tells her son Macduff is dead but he doesn't belive it
-a messenger comes and tells Lady Macduff she is in danger and she says she has done nothing wrong
-the murderers come in and say Macduff is dead and the son calls him a liar so he stabs him and Lady Macduff flees and they chase after her
-Malcolm tells Macduff he doesn't trust him because he left his family so he's probably working for Macbeth
-to test his loyalty Macolm says he is not fit to be king because he is greedy and violent and Macbeth says he will be a good king 
-Macduff "O Scotland Scotland!"
-Macduff's loyalty to Scotland is proven when he agrees he's not fit to be king and he runs back
-Malcolm then trusts Macduff
-doctor says “crew of wretched souls” waits for King Edward so they may be cured
-Malcolm tells Macduff King Edward cures diseases
-Ross tells Macduff that his wife an children are well and says he needs to return to his country
-Malcolm says he will return there with 10,000 soldiers lent from King Edward
-Ross breaks down and says his wife and children were actually murdered
-Malcolm says to turn grief to anger and inflict revenge upon Macbeth 

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