
Monday, April 14, 2014

Macbeth Act 5 Notes

  • A doctor and gentlewoman discuss Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking habits
  • Lady Macbeth comes in with a candle in her hand (sleepwalking) talking about the murders of Lady Macduff and Banquo saying she has blood on her hands that won't wash off
  • Scottish leaders discuss the military situation of the English army approaching led by Malcolm and the Scottish army meeting to join forces near Birnam Wood
  • Lennox and other lords call Macbeth a "tyrant" and say he has fortified Dunsinane Castle and is making military preparations in a mad rage
  • Macbeth comes into hall of Dunsinane saying he is not scared of the English or Malcolm army because "none of woman born" can harm him 
  • His servant Seyton confirms an army of 10,000 Englishmen are approaching and Macbeth puts on his armor even though the battle isn't happening
  • the doctor tells him Lady Macbeth is kept from rest by "thick-coming fancies" and Macbeth tells him to cure her
  • Malcolm talks with English lord Siward and his officers about Macbeth's plan to defend the castle
  • They decide each soldier cut down a bough of forest and carry it in front of them so their numbers are hidden
  • Macbeth orders banners be hung and says his castle will repel the enemy
  • Seyton tells Macbeth the queen is dead and Macbeth says the tomorrow soliloquy
  • a messanger says the trees of Birnam Wood are approaching Dunsinane
  • the prophecy says Macbeth could not die until Birnam Wood moved to Dunsinane and he says he is tired of the sun and will at least die fighting
  • Macbeth battles vigorously because no man born of woman can harm him and he kills Lord Siward's son
  • Macduff can't find Macbeth whom he wants to kill himself
  • Malcolm and Siward emerge and enter castle
  • Macbeth and Macduff are battling and Macbeth says he is invincible because of the witches' prophecy
  • Macduff says he was not woman born because his mother's womb was ripped and Macbeth is scared but says he will not surrender "to kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feed/ And to be baited with rabble's curse'
  • Malcolm and Siward walk the castle they have captured
  • Ross tells Siward his son is dead
  • Macduff enters with Macbeth's head and says Malcolm is King of Scotland
  • Malcolm says all his thanes will be made earls  and will be first such lords in Scottish history
  • Malcolm calls all those around his friends and invites them to see him crowned at Scone while cursing Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

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