
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tale of a Canterbury Tale

The Monk's Tale

The Monk will be telling us about tragedies. Lucifer was an angel who fell from heaven into hell for his sins. Adam was driven out of his original ways into sin. Sampson is told as a very strong man. He sinned at his wedding when he told his wife a secret. Hercules was also a very strong man who was given a shirt of venom. Nabugodonosor is a king who had many treasures and the wisest of his children Daniel disobeyed him. Balthasar is a proud man who is also the son of Nabuhodonosor. He drank a lot. Cenobia  was a queen who was very pretty. She was also strong during battles. Her friends forced her to get married and she was suppose to have a child. De Petro Rege Ispannie was a noble man from Spain. He was betrayed when his brother made him flee. De Petro Rege De Culto was a king who was envied. De Barnabo De Lumbardia was sent to die in prison by his nephew. De Hugelino Comite De Pize was in prison with his three children who were in desperate need for food. Nero was a vicious, proud man who eventually killed himself. De Oloferno made everybody follow his orders. A women murdered him during his sleep. De Rege Anthiocho Illustri disliked Jews and God didn't like that. De Alexandro's story is common that everyone has heard of him. De Julio Cesare is a wise man who was murdered. Cresus is a rich king who was too proud. He had. Daughter named Phanye and he hung himself. 

1) The monk told stories of different characters and he used some indirect characterization to describe them. 
- "Three hundred foxes took Sampson got ire, and alle hir tayles be togider bond, and sette the foxes tayles alle on fire." This shows Sampson is a very strong man as he defeated the foxes by himself.
-  "But on his bak this sherte he wered al naked, til that his flesh was for the venim blaked." This shows that Hercules was not a smart man as he was poisoned by a shirt that was given to him.
- "This proud kind leet make a statue of golde, sixty cubytes long, and seven in brede." This shows how vain and self-interested Nabuhodonosor was.
- "But atte lasted hir frendes han hir maried." This shows how uninterested Cenobia is romance as her friends had to force her to get married.
- "But he made every man reneye his lawe." This shows how Holofernes is a forceful person who wants everyone to be obedient.

2) I think the purpose of Chaucer telling the Monk's tale is to prevent people from sinning. "I wol biwayle in maner of Tragedie." In the very beginning of the Monk's tale he stated that he will be telling us of tragedies. I believe he tells these tragic stories to try and steer people away from the path of sinning.

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