
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Vocabulary #7

1) Shenanigans: (n) mischief,  trickery

2) Ricochet: (v) to move in this way, as a projectile

3) Schism: (n) division or disunion; the parties so formed

4) Eschew: (v) to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid

5) Plethora: (n) over abundance; excess

6) Ebullient: (adj) overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement; high-spirited

7) Garrulous: (adj) wordy, diffuse; excessively talkative in a rambling manner

8) Harangue: (n) intense verbal attack

9) Interdependence: (n) the quality or condition of being interdependence, or mutually reliant upon each other

10) Capricious: (adj) erratic, unpredictable of change

11) Loquacious: (adj) talkative, chattering; to talk much

12) Ephemeral: (adj) lasting a short time; short-lived

13) Inchoate: (adj) not yet completed; not yet developed

14) Juxtapose: (v) to place close together for comparison and contrast

15) Perspicacious: (adj) having keen mental perception and understanding

16) Codswallop: (n) nonsense, rubbish

17) Mungo: (n) a low-grade wool from felted rags or waste

18) Sesquipedalian: (adj) containing many syllables, given to using long words

19) Wonky: (adj) unsteady, shaky, unreliable, boring

20) Diphthong: (n) a vowel sound, occupying a single syllable, during the articulation of which the tongue moves from one position to another, causing a continual change in vowel quality 

Everyone stood there shocked as the black car drove away at such an alarming speed, that the rocks on the floor started to RICHOCHET off the building. Since Haley was a jokester the group began to wonder if this could be just another one of her SHENANIGANS. This prank, however, would have involved a PLETHORA of planning so they came to the conclusion that Haley had been kidnapped. Micaela suggested that the group split up in search for Haley, but this suggestion formed a SCHISM as not everyone thought it was a good idea. If they split up, someone else might get kidnapped and everyone wanted to ESCHEW anymore kidnappings from occurring. 
Everyone was really nervous but no one was speaking which made an un-GARRULOUS car ride for a few minutes. No one was EBULLIENT because of what had just occurred. Caroline began to HARANGUE Micaela because Caroline never thought it was a good idea for Haley to stay out by the car unattended. Everyone was INTERDEPENDENCE on one another in search for Haley. It was such a CAPRICIOUS trip no one was sure of what was to come of it. 
Everyone began to become LOQUACIOUS because they were beginning to panic which was not EPHEMERAL. As the day started to go on we didn't even care that
 our vacation was INCHOATE. We then decided to JUXTAPOSE all of our belongings to see if there was anything we had that could help us get our friend back. We knew that in order to get our friend back we had to exhibit PERSPICACIOUS judgment.
Haley's cry for help was no use... Haley was kidnapped and there was no one who could get her out of this. She could only hope for the slight chance that her friends might miraculously find her. She knew she had to tell her friends her secret, but would they think that it was a bunch of COLDSWALLOP? Haley couldn't stand the MUNGO that the men wrapped her in.  She couldn't understand the SESQUIPEDALIAN words the men were using, but she knew it couldn't be good. All of a sudden Haley's head felt very WONKY, as she felt like she was going to pass out. She didn't know what was happening to her! She wondered why so many of the words the men were using were DIPHTHONGS?

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