
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Comparison's Tale

My group read the Monk's tale and I think it can relate to the Merchant's tale. The Monk's tale was about numerous, different tragedies. These tragedies included stories of Lucifer who fell from heaven into hell for his sins, De Oloferno who made everybody follow his rules and eventually was murdered, and Hercules who was a strong man that died from a shirt full of venom. I think the purpose of the Monk's tale was to steer people out of the path of sinning by scaring them with tragic stories of sinners who all eventually died a tragic death. The Merchant's tale was about a blind man named January who married a women named May. January helped May climb a tree, but in that tree May cheated on January. God saw this and decided to give January back his eye sight. I think the purpose of the Merchant's tale was to show that people who perform good deeds eventually get rewarded for them. These two different tales relate to each other because of their purposes. Both purposes were to help make the readers and listeners better people. People should not sin as they will be punished, but instead perform good deeds as they will be rewarded. 

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